Funding to develop export markets

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About the Program

Get a contribution of up to $50,000 to cover up to 50% of costs related to developing and expanding your e-commerce presence, attending virtual events, applying for certification and intellectual property protection in international markets, search engine optimization, and more.

What activities do we fund?

We support the following non-travel activities:

Gathering market intelligence (custom research, reports and studies)

Applying for intellectual property protection in international markets

Applying for certification in international markets

Seeking expert legal and business advice

Search Engine Optimization

Translating, adapting or creating marketing materials

Attending virtual trade shows, networking functions, meetings or conferences

Who can apply?

Eligible Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises must:

be for-profit

be an incorporated legal entity, limited liability partnership (LLP) or cooperative

have a Canada Revenue Agency business number

employ fewer than 500 full-time equivalent employees

have $100,000 to $100 million in declared revenue in Canada during its past fiscal year (or 12 months for quarterly filers)

How to apply

Give your application the best chance at approval. AKR Consulting has an 99% approval rating across all Canadian funding programs.

For any inquiry, please call: AKR Consulting Canada at 905-678-6368


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