Get a wage subsidy of up to $13,000 to cover the costs of an international internship of 4 to 12 months (30 to 40 hours per week).
Young Canada Works at Building Careers in English and French (YCWBCEF) is an internship program for unemployed or underemployed post-secondary graduates. The Program helps college and university graduates develop career-based skills to help them transition to the job market. Interns can improve their professional skills and start a career in areas related to their field of study. Eligible employers may benefit from wage subsidies and access to a pool of talented youth with innovative ideas and competitive skills.
This program offers internships:
- in Canada that meet the labour market needs in linguistic duality and where workforce shortages are anticipated in official-language minority communities;
- in Canada to staff positions in official-language minority community media (radios and newspapers); and
- in international positions mainly related to the language industry.
Internships can last from four to 12 months. Preference will be given to employers offering an internship for a period of six to 12 months. Interns with a disability are eligible for part-time work in Canada only.
Who can apply?
An employer may be eligible for funding if it is:
- a private, public or non-profit organization with opportunities to build advanced skills through internships;
- incorporated;
- conducting activities in an official language environment;
- stable and financially healthy; and
- internship in Canada: an official-language minority community media (radios and newspapers).
An employer is not eligible if it is:
- a federal department, federal agency, or Crown Corporation; or
- a provincial or territorial government department.